Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Madlibs turn 50!

Did you know that Madlibs have been around for 50 years? Make your own MadLib below--don't forget to scroll down (or go play MadLibs games on the website) and then check out my madlib!

Diva Girl Mad Libs
Copyright (c) 2004 by Price Stern Sloan

The Adventures of Jane

Jane no way! is a great comic book. It's the story of pretty Jane Jones, who is a/an librarian by day, but sneaks around the city of new york by night as a/an nurse. Jane is asked by a group of dogs to help them ran and protect the planet from the zoinks! Armada, who are going to climb, attack the planet, and destroy all the mice! Jane no way! has some of the most brainy gadgets around. She wears a/an purple on her pants and carries a rocket-powered neck. She even has a/an book that turns into a/an shoe at the heater of a button! I think, if I could be any comic-book character at all, I'd want to be Jane no way!, wouldn't you?

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